Robert Fico

Nakladatelství: Ringier

Podtitul: The man who stole the Slovak Republic. The political journey of pro-Russian populist

Autor: Peter Bárdy

Ochrana: sociální DRM

Rok vydání: 2024

Počet stran: 308

Jazyk: en

Formát: EPUB | MOBI | PDF2

Cena s DPH: 379 

Cena bez DPH: 379 

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THE GUARDIAN: Robert Fico doubles down on pro-Russia stance after Slovakia election win\r\nTHE WASHINGTON POST: Slovakia’s parliamentary election has the potential to complicate the Western response to Ukraine. Nearly complete results showed that Robert Fico, a populist former prime minister whose campaign has been laced with pro-Russian and anti-American discourse, defeated his progressive rival.\r\nFINANCIAL TIMES: Robert Fico wins Slovakia election with anti-Ukraine stance\r\nCNN: Pro-Russian politician wins Slovakia’s parliamentary election\r\nRobert Fico is a Slovak political leader who, after the murder of an investigative journalist Jan Kuciak in 2018, resigned from the prime minister’s chair involuntarily, only to return after the coronavirus pandemic and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, armed with conspiracies, ready to inflame passions and usurp the lost power.\r\nHis political career is associated with corruption scandals, clear enmity with media that resulted in the murder of an investigative journalist, and the connection of Robert Fico himself to the Calabrian mafia ‚Ndrangheta. Peter Bárdy’s book “Robert Fico - The man who stole the Slovak Republic. \r\nThe political journey of pro-Russian populist”is a portrait of a man who won the Slovak parliamentary elections five times.\r\nHowever, it is not just the story of the most successful politician in the modern history of Slovakia. It is a picture of Slovak politics of the last three decades after the Velvet revolution and after the end of communism in the region of Central and Eastern Europe – associated with corruption, scandals and the arrogance of power.\r\nTestimonies of almost three dozen colleagues, companions, political opponents, and rivals of Robert Fico. Hundreds of hours of discussions and lots of e-mails with direct actors of political life and experts working behind the scenes of political parties and election campaigns.\r\nAnd all this for the sole purpose of answering the question of who really is Robert Fico?

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