Ondrej and Zdenka

Nakladatelství: Zdenka Nererová

Podtitul: Our Three Loves

Autor: Zdenka Nererová , Rebecca Jones

Ochrana: sociální DRM

Počet stran: 67

Jazyk: en

Formát: EPUB | MOBI | PDF2

Cena s DPH: 139 

Cena bez DPH: 139 

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This true story of the great Slovak figure skater Ondrej Nepela and equally great Slovak dancer Zdenka Nererová tells of the human condition and the many emotions that go along with it. Two people with enormous talents struggle to perform these talents in the political system of communism which is at odds with their desires, while love blossoms between them. Together they try to fight against this same system in order to find a new life in a free land. In the end, it is a story of loss in spite of their best efforts. This book is for readers who are interested in the spirit and will that is in all of us to try and achieve what is most important to us. The English language edition includes some additional material not found in the Slovak language edition.

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