Nakladatelství: Saga Egmont
Autor: Edward Phillips Oppenheim
Ochrana: sociální DRM
Rok vydání: 2021
Počet stran: 349
Jazyk: en
Formát: EPUB | MOBI
Ukázka: epub
Cena s DPH: 333 Kč
Cena bez DPH: 333 Kč
One of E. Phillips Oppenheim’s earlier novels, ‘A Monk of Cruta’ follows the story of wealthy Englishman Paul de Vaux, witness to a murder on the Mediterranean island of Cruta. He finds himself caught up in a love triangle between his former ward, Adrea Kiros, daughter of the murdered man, and the sweet and simple Lady May. A gothic romance, this is a tale of love and tragedy, religion and revenge.
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