The Greatest Mysteries of History


Nakladatelství: Saga Egmont

Autor: World History

Ochrana: sociální DRM

Rok vydání: 2025

Počet stran: 61

Jazyk: en

Formát: EPUB | MOBI

Ukázka: epub

Cena s DPH: 155 

Cena bez DPH: 155 

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Hidden in the lush vegetation of the Central American rainforest lie the remnants of the Mayan civilisation. These ruins bear witness to a thriving society that flourished for almost four millennia. Here, rulers presided over communities with millions of inhabitants, scholars developed advanced mathematical calendars, and slaves toiled to raise pyramids so towering that they surpassed even the great structures of the Egyptians. Yet, inexplicably, the Mayans vanished from their cities, and their once-mighty civilization faded into obscurity. Even now, 500 years after their downfall, archaeologists, scribes, and historians are still in pursuit of the truth behind the abrupt demise of the Mayans.

This mystery is just one of many that continue to elude the grasp of scientists. Despite the constant advance of modern research, the past remains steeped in myth and mystery, with innumerable questions arising from the monuments and people of ancient times.

World History invites you on a fascinating journey to bygone eras, allowing you to explore the greatest events in history. Take a trip back in time - to the frontlines of World War 2, to the Viking raids, and to the religious rituals of ancient Egypt. World History is for everyone who would like to know more about the exciting and dramatic events of the past.

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